Galactogouges or lactogouges are foods that increase the secretion of breast milk. In some women due to certain health conditions, the secretion of breast milk may be diminished. There are medicines available to increase the breast milk secretion but instead of opting for drugs, it is safe, easy and economical to use the stuffs that occur naturally.
The diet should have adequate calories and a rich supply of Vitamins and minerals so that the mother is able to feed the baby.
Foods having this lactogougic effect are served to the new mother even if her milk secretion is normal. These foods are cooked along with the other food stuffs and served as a part of the meal. Here are some commonly available  foods that are known to increase the production of breast milk.
  • Garlic –It is a potent Galactogouge.It increases the synthesis and release of milk. Can be added to rasam,soups,or made into chutney
  • Ginger – It increases milk flow. It can be used to prepare chutney, in seasonings, ginger tea etc.
  • Fennel – It is a well know fact that this herb increases milk production.It can be steamed or sautéed with a little butter and consumed.
  • Nuts like almonds, walnuts etc. can be given as a part of the snack or made into nutribars.
  • Milk- Can be used in milkshakes
  • Sesame seeds can be added to some dishes, sesame ladoos etc.
  • Garden cress
  • Fenugreek leaves and seeds-Fenugreek leaves can be cooked with moongdal and the seeds can be used to make fenugreek tea
  • Oats – Large doses of Oats is known to kick start milk production. There are numerous ways in which oats can be included in the diet. Check out this page for information on oats and the also try out the recipes.
  • Honey– Can be used as a sweetener instead of sugar
  • Sprouts– can be cooked and served seasoned or added to sambar / curry/ stir fried.
  • Moong dal – An ideal substitute for toor dal.Can be used to make samabr, rasam, seasoned dal, soup etc.
  • Adequate fluids can be taken in the form of
  1. Water
  2. Thin porridges
  3. Fruit juices 
  4.  Smoothies
  5. Milk shakes
  6. Milk
  7. Buttermilk
  8. Soups and rasam
  9. Barley water
  10.  Herbal teas
  11.  Tender coconut water etc.
A high intake of fluids is said to be beneficial in increasing the production of milk. Include any type of liquid in the diet but limit or avoid the intake of coffee and tea. Alcohols are to be avoided completely
What you read above are just a few examples of lactogenic foods that we can use in our diet….
Herbal teas are recommended in Ayurveda to increase the milk production. Check with your gynecologist if you can take these herbal concoctions.
Fenugreek tea:
Boil 2 cups of water with 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds for 10 minutes. Cool lightly,strain , sweeten with a little honey and consume.
The benefit of this tea is that it not only increases the milk supply but also tones the body and is a great digestive too.
Cumin coriander and fennel tea:
Boil 2 cups of water with ½ a teaspoon of all the 3 spices for 10 minute. Strain and serve
This tea too, in addition to having a lactagouge effect, stimulates the digestion, regulates the hormones in the body and decreases colic in the infant.
This is not a medical advice. Consult your gynecologist before following or trying out any diet.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#13

Earlier in this series of ‘Postpartum Diet‘ that is a part of Blogging Marathon #13


PostPartum period – An Introduction
Nutritional need in Postpartum Period
Postpartum Diet


Manathakkali Vatral Podi
Moongdal-Garlic Rasam
Paneer Ajwain Paratha and Vegetable Dal

Healthy Living….

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