In my previous post, I had written about 2 topics – fatigue and headache / dizziness.This post will see some of the other changes. 3.Nausea and Vomiting : This condition is famously referred to as ‘ Morning Sickness’.Though it is called morning sickness it may occur at any part of the day.Morning sickness may be due…
Changes In The Body During Pregnancy – 1
This category has been silent for longer than intended.Finally I had time to actually sit and write this post.Today we shall see the changes that take place in the body during pregnancy. From the time of conception,even before you really realize that you are pregnant, the body undergoes several changes .When I say changes, I…
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy
Before I go deeper into analyzing the other aspects of pregnancy, I thought I will write about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.Most of us are aware about it but anyways sharing them here. Not all the pregnant women experience all these sign and symptoms.It varies from person to person.Some experience most of them while…
Pregnancy And The Joys of Motherhood
In the age old movies a lady who is pregnant is often shown to be throwing up in the backyard or feeling dizzy or a doctor holding her wrist to feel the pulse and announcing-‘Congrats,you are going to be a grandmother’ to the mother in law standing beside the lady on the bed.Then the whole…
Chase away those PMS bluesโฆ.
Of course you know what I am talking about, rite? Not many would choose to speak or discuss about this topic but I chose to speak write about it. I know many silent sufferers who go through the premenstrual blues but are really clueless as to what to do. Many a times I have fallen…