Second Spring is Sandhya Jane’s debut novel.It is a contemporary love story set in Mumbai and then shifts to the US. This book was sent by BlogAdda for review.I had some free time today and sat down to read this book. It is a modern love story that has hints of traditionalism within it.The story…
Ramayana- The Game of Life – Stolen Hope – Book review
This book is from my favorite series – Ramayana by Shubha Vilas . I was eagerly waiting for this book as the snippet at the end of book 2 was intriguing. Stolen Hope is the third part in the series – Ramayana- The Game of Life. When Subha Vilasji asked me if I was interested…
The Best Seller She Wrote – Book Review
A signed copy of a novel is sure to brighten the day of a bibliophile, right!That was exactly what happened when BlogAdda sent me a signed copy of Ravi Subramanian’s latest novel -The Best Seller She Wrote. I have read his earlier books and reviewed The Bankster and God is a Gamer here. I was…
FR 5:The Hare Krishna Book of Vegetarian Cooking – Book Review
The books-cookbook and the others-are either gifted by people who know and understand my craze for reading and collecting books or the ones that I buy when there is a promotional sale.So,this book came as a steal when there was a promotion online and I just couldn’t resist buying this one! The Hare Krishna Book…
FR 4:Recipes For Happiness – Book Review
Lots of people are turning towards various diets and diet plans and books are flooding the market on these topics. I browse online for book a lot and this book caught my attention because the tag line said – Yogic Lifestyle Diet. This is not just a book with recipes alone!Published by the International Board…