Happy Ugadhi !!!

Wishing all my reader,friends and well wishers A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year Happy Ugadhi!!! Bevu bella is a must on Ugadhi. It is nothing but Neem flowers[bevu]  mixed with powdered jaggery[bella] and a little honey. After an early morning bath and prayers ,each and every member of the house is given a little bit of this bevu bella by the eldest…

Eggless Kit-Kat Cake for Lil Angel’s Birthday….

*** Warning!Long post ahead… *** Feb 6th is a very special day….One of the most memorable days in my life..And this year my lil Angel is one year old!I can’t believe it!One year went away so fast!It was just like yesterday that I was in the hospital tensed and knowing that my world has grown…