Craving for a simple raita?Then this one would suit your palette.Two simple ingredients and your raita is ready.A small change,we are not going use veggies for this one but delicious crunchy Boodhi.

You need:

Thick curd
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder/Pepper powder
Jeera/cumin powder
Corinader leaves,finely chopped- to garnish

Immerse the required quantity of boondhi in hot water for a few seconds and squeeze them out.

Beat curd well.

In a bowl put in all the ingredients and check the taste.

Serve chilled or as such,garnished with coriander leaves.

What I have posted is the common method of preparation but I like to have it crunchy so I skip the soaking part and enjoy a chilled crunchy boondhi raita…

7 thoughts on “Boondhi Raita”

  1. pj, its a yammmmmmmiii dish…. some time, if there was no any snacks but boondhi, i prepare this… but i add some onion slices too……

  2. I just picked up some Boondi at the grocery store. Although I am sure they aren’t as good as your homemade boondi! I will try this raita recipe 🙂

  3. I love bhhondhi raita. My daughter loces this she will finish her roti within seconds if i give this. Ennukku eppava spaatanum pola erukku.

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