Indu of Kaipakkuvam has bestowed upon me,’ the honest scrap’ award. Thanks a lot Indu..You made my day!!!!!
This award comes with a meme and I have to say 10 honest things about me. I just found out that Indu and I share of a lot of things in common!!!!
So, here is the meme
1. I come from a family that is into fine arts for a couple of generations and that is obviously why chose to do a graduation in veena. My mom- a singer with a captivating voice and dad –a fantastic veena artiste made me what I am today. I studied under them [and still am when I got to India].I learnt a host of other arts-Violin,Tabla and dance-Bharthanatyam.
2. I don’t mind working until late night but hate to get up early. But I will get up even at 3am when it comes to studies,yea that’s on the day of the examination!
3. I still love watching cartoons and my favorite are Tom and Jerry and Popeye!
4. I love to travel and don’t like to stay at home during the weekends.Even with my lil angel I don’t mind packing and carrying bulky luggage’s if it means we are on a tour. I like to bring back some souvenirs from the places I visited.
5. I love reading books[both to gain knowledge and for time pass] and I had a routine of buying books each month which resulted in a vast collection.
6. I am really scared of pet dogs.Yes,even the smallest one. I can admire them from a distance though but would never enter a house if their pet in not tied up. I don’t hate dogs but am just frightened of them.
7. I love cooking and now like it even more because I can blog about it
8. I like to collect recipes and cook books. Of course crockery and cutlery too join that list.
9. I live in China. It’s a nice place, friendly people and there is so much to explore in their culture and cuisine.
10. It was fun writing this meme .
As always, this award too comes with the certain rules and here they are
1. I must list 10 honest things about myself
2. I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.I must select at least 7 other worthy bloggers & list their links
3. I must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above three requirements also.
I would love to pass it on to-

Congrats dear.
My My! You are a talented girl. Veena and Bharatnatyam, Wow!
I also hate spending weekends at home, but have to, with the kids growing up and their ever demanding studies.
I invite you to read my 50th post.
Thanks dear! Happy to receive award from you!! 🙂
Congrats on your award and good to know honest things about you..
Congrats dear……nice to read about u…..
Congratulations! i love cartoons too 🙂
Thank you so much for passing me on the award. I'm truly honored!
I will update my blog soon with the award and the stuff that comes along with it!
You have a beautiful blog here!
congratz for getting the award. great to know more about you.thanks for passing this award..
Very nice to know about you 🙂 you seem to be way talented. Dance, veena and cooking.. wat a combination.. amazing 🙂
Thanks for sharing your award with me 🙂
Congrats dear..and thanks for sharing the award with me 🙂
Congrats and thanks so much for passing it on to me…great to about your talents.
wow, you are a veena graduate. I learnt music from Mrs. Padmavathy anantagopalan, Lalgudi Jayaraman's sister, who is also a veena artist. Trust me,I am scared of dogs as much as you are.