For quite some time now, I have been buying stuffs online.Be it my camera, loads of cookery books, baking supplies or any other thing,I find online shopping a boon! Its a lot easier and you get to check out and compare prices before making the final purchase. There is also no hassle of carrying the purchase till you reach home and especially with lil ones, its always a big ‘yes’ to online shopping.
And when you shop online, how would you feel if you got paid back for your purchase!!! That is exactly what they are doing at! Shopping from the comforts of your home and getting money back is awesome,right!!!
So, how did this start?Last week, I got a mail from the Swati Bhargava[CEO and Co founder] and Saniya Scott [Marketing Executive] asking me if I was interested in taking a look at their website and shopping through it. I gladly agreed to check it out and here is what I found! is said to be India’s No.1 Cashback and Coupon site and their goal is to help the members save on their online purchase.They have more than 500+ national and international partners and you can shop through any of these site and save money.Here is a snapshot…
There are thousands of brands and products to choose from and what you see below is only half of it. Also check out the Hot deals, Restaurant offers and product deals.
Here is an example.And take a look at the e-bay store for special offers…This is just a sample…
What I liked is the restaurant deals and here is how it works…
Now there a few select cities that go with this offer. I hope they will expand the list in the coming days….
And you get cashbacks when you order food online through sites like Foodpanda, Dominos etc!!Isn’t that great!!!
Having said all this, I am you are asking me this question…
How to join and save through coupons and cash backs?
If you are wondering how they pay you back as cash,here is what happens….
When we shop through the retailer’s link on, the retailer pay them a referral fee. Rather than keeping it for themselves, they pass it on to their users as a cashback!
The best part is, even if you live abroad, you can still shop through! All you need is an Indian bank account and they will take care of the other things!!
My experience with
As you are aware I love to collect cookbooks, but for a change, I thought I will shop for some other stuffs online. After creating an account in , I looked up the various deals and coupons and found a few trays and dishes that I liked.
I went to that site through the deals in and completed the shopping successfully. There were absolutely no hassles and no redirection or questions to be answered!As simple as that!!!It was so straight forward and it impressed me a lot.
And best of all, I got the cash back intimation with the mentioned time!So this is a site that does what it claims to do and be !!!
What I liked:
- Very used friendly site and the registration is free!
- Genuine.
- Coupons and cash-back on a number of products and brands
- They pay the amount as cash that gets added to your account and later that can be transferred to your bank account.
- You can also earn through referrals.And if you join through me I earn a few buck too ๐
- And most important of all – You shop and you save!How cool is that!!!!

very nice article and writing style, pj! you can also try other sites like coupondunia and for better coupons and cashbacks. you dint mentioned which website you bought from?