My love for cookbooks get so crazy sometimes that I end up buying books in languages that I don’t even know to read! The step by step pics or the glossy pictures of the dishes literally pull me into buying them. When we were in China, that’s exactly what I did. I added a few, almost a dozen , cook books in Chinese to my bookshelf!

It took me so long to cook from one of those books and the first one is the famous Corn Silk tea that is supposed to be very beneficial to the body.

According to this site , corn silk is used to treat a whole lot of ailments right from bladder problems to kidney stones and bed wetting!It is also used in the treatment of Diabetes, High cholesterol etc. But if you are suffering from some ailment it is always better to consult your physician before taking this tea as a treatment measure.But if you are going to make this as drink to try, go ahead and enjoy it…

Last week I got a bunch of fresh baby corn and then I remembered this recipe in one of the books .So presenting this wonderful drink here. It is a simple recipe and can be done in a few minutes.It takes very earthy and if you don’t like that taste,it can be cooled and added to other juices like orange/ lemon juice.

Method :

Wash and chop a hand full of corn silk . Boil 300 ml water and add the corn silk. Simmer for 2 minutes and switch off the flame. Cover and let it steep for 2 minutes.Strain and serve hot / warm.


You can use the corn silk for the regular corn too. I had baby corn so used it.

This post is also for the Cookbook Challenge of the month – July 2014, Week 4

Bon Appetit…

6 thoughts on “Corn Silk Tea”

  1. Wow PJ, you are really something!..:)…buying books just based on pictures is awesome..I love this drink and with so many good things, will have to try it..:)

  2. What an interesting and innovative use of cornsilk that usually doesn't see the light of stove 🙂 Tea sounds and looks comforting and delicious.

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