Our house is literally over flowing with sweets. Those who visit the baby and me bring boxes of sweets. So when we are expecting visitors, we buy some sweets as a it is customary to serve sweets to guests who visit when there is  ‘ good news’ in the house. But what really  happens is we end up with a double dose of sweet boxes. Those who visit savor just a little bit of the sweet and the reasons being – they are diabetic/ not fond of sweets/ its already late and we can’t have dinner / I don’t like this variety of sweet etc. There are no takes for sweets in our house too and we are looking out for ways to ‘dispose’ them off.

When I told mom that I was making easy sweets for this BM, she was like -‘What are we going to do with all those sweets!!??.To save her the time and energy of find means to dispose them off , I make whole grain dishes.

An easy dish for today that I made with some pasta that was sleeping in a packet.I got back a pack of whole wheat pasta when I came down from China.The other half had been used up long ago and this one was occupying some space in a box that could be put to better use.So out came this pack of pasta and that precious space was used up by Lil Angels favorite biscuit packet.

I usually crave for some food with our coffee in the evening and this pasta dish was quite filling. Its very easy to put together and hence less effort and more health.

I used :

Whole wheat pasta- 100 grams
Spinach – 1 small bunch, chopped
Tomato – 1, finely chopped
Onion- 1 finely chopped
Garlic – 2 pods, minced
Chilli powder- 1/2 teaspoon
Cumin seeds- 1 teaspoon
Oil – 1 teaspoon

Salt to taste

  1. Cook the pasta with a little salt according to the direction of the pack. Drain and keep aside.
  2. Heat oil in a pan and put in cumin seeds.
  3. When it splutters, add the onion and garlic and cook till onion id light broen.
  4. Put in the tomato,chilli powder, salt and cook till tomato turns mushy.
  5. Next in goes the spinach and cook for a couple of seconds.
  6. Add the pasta and mix well.
  7. Simmer and let the flavors blend.
  8. Remove from heat and serve garnished with grated cheese.

Note :

  • This dish was a little soupy as I added some water while the tomato was getting cooked but it does not show in the pic. You can deliberately add more water and make it soupy pasta ๐Ÿ™‚
  • For a pronounced Indian flavor, try adding chaat masala / garam masala / sambar powder.
  • Adding cheese is purely optional.

 Hop over to the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#14
Bon Appetit….

18 thoughts on “Whole Wheat Pasta with Greens”

  1. I can understand adults saying that..but my kids don't eat sweets..that's the worse part ..Nice pasts to make for the kids…I like that spoon you have used..:)

  2. #ways to make Pasta healthy# I should show this to mom! ๐Ÿ˜€ She keeps telling me how me & bro eat "kuppai" like Pasta with no nutrition! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I enjoy pastas but funny that I haven't paid attention if they're whole wheat or others. Mmmm…. am I the one one? Hahaha! Guess I just eat & keep my mouth shut. What a glutton! Lol! Thks for alerting me to pay more attention to what I'm eating.

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