I am back to blogging after a long break.Due to various other commitments blogging took a back seat! I sincerely hope I will keep feeding the blog at regular intervals from now on.
This month I am hosting Srivalli’s Kid’s Delight with the theme – Easy Breakfast Ideas for Kids .

Sometimes my kids skip breakfast when they are in a rush to catch the school bus and this leaves me very guilty. They just have a cup of milk and rush off. This is surely not sufficient for them and I am sure they will be longing for the snack break as soon as they reach school.
That’s when this idea came up to compile a list of quick and innovative ideas for the kids breakfast.
No matter if they are school going kids or older kids who are at home for the weekend, the breakfast is better accepted and appreciated if they are innovative,right!
This time I am hosting the event with the theme – Easy breakfast ideas.
The need to prepare the kids lunch, breakfast and also pack lunch for Mister is a daunting task every morning!So, I’m always on the lookout for something simple and easy to serve the kids before they leave for school.
Making dishes that are quick and easy ,where we don’t have to spend too much time to cook it is what I am looking for here. Pre-preparations can be made the night before and then the dish can be put together in the morning sort of dishes are most welcome.
So here is what you have to do….
- Cook and blog about any Vegetarian dish that fits the theme – Easy breakfast ideas for kids. .
- It should be a dish that is approved by your kid or kids from your family / friends.
- Multiple new entries are allowed.
- Archived entries are not accepted as we are looking for new ideas.
- Link to this post and to Srivalli’s Kid’s delight post (http://spicingyourlife.blogspot.com/2010/01/announcing-kids-delight-wholesome.html) is mandatory.Using the logo is appreciated.
- The dead line is Jan 15th 2020
Drop a mail to seduceurtastebuds@gmail.com with the subject line – Easy breakfast ideas for kids with following details
• Your name and the name of your blog
• Recipe name
• URL of the post
• Picture of your creation
Please leave a note in the comments section after you have mailed me your entry. And also feel free to write to me for any queries.
Looking forward to see all your kids approved easy breakfast recipes…