Beetroot is one of the vegetables that we love for the beautiful color it imparts to the dish. Though it stains the hands, the grater, cutting board and many times even the dress, beetroot finds itself on our table quite often. Presenting to you today on Day 1,week 2 of Blogging Marathon #16, a simple…
Oven Fries- For T & C
For this month’s edition of Taste and Create, I was paired with Kat of Study Food.I like the way she has spoken about herself and her blog here. I found quite a few recipes that I bookmarked to try but as luck would have it, I was late in preparing whatever I bookmarked. This was…
Instant Palak Dosa
For the last day of Week 1 in Blogging marathon, I have prepared this simple,easy yet delicious and nutritious palak dosa. This is the instant version and does not require left over dosa batter. When the food served is colorful, it becomes easier to satisfy the taste buds. It is often said that the food…
Okra Dosa | Bendaykaai Dosay | Vendakkai Dosai
It is a boon to have a few dosa recipes that need no fermentation. Living in a land where batter refuses to rise taught me to try out different combinations that can be used to make instant dosas. In that line, here is another one that mom had seen on some TV show and suggested…
Ridgegourd Dosa | Heeraykaai Dosay | Peerkangaai Dosai
***Warning- Lengthy post ahead.If you are brave enough, read ahead, or skip the rants and rush to today’s recipe*** The life of a blogger is certainly interesting.Even more so if she is a stay-at-home mom[SAHM] who blogs.Things get even more hectic exciting if she is a SAHM who blogs and has a new born and…