Vegan Quinoa Banana Shake

Long before Quinoa was gaining popularity in my part of the world, the blogosphere were filled with recipes with Quinoa and I remember admiring the shakes and smoothies. I used to wonder how it would taste like. After a while,when I saw a couple of packs at the store nearby,I almost fainted looking at the…

Balehannu Kosambari | Sweet and Savory Banana Salad

When it came to choosing a recipe for the alphabet B in this Mega Marathon- Journey Through The Cuisines, I was spoilt for choices! I could do dishes with Bale Kaye[Raw plantain], Bale Hannu[Banana],Bale dhindu[Plantain stem],Bendekaye[Ladies Finger],Badhanekaye[Brinjal],Bellulli[Garlic],Battani[Green Peas],etc. I first listed out all the elaborate dishes that could be made with these ingredients and then…

Chocolate Banana and Strawberry Shake

I made use of the last  few strawberries of the season to make this filling drink. Kids love beverages with chocolate and when there is strawberry in it, then it makes the drink even more special. I usually have frozen banana in the freezer. Whenever there is an over ripe banana, I peel and chop…

Strawberry Banana {Breakfast} Smoothie Bowl | Recipe ReDux

I am not very particular about what I want to have for breakfast. I can make do with a buttered toast and coffee or settle down for an elaborate south Indian style breakfast or a savory oats porridge or just roll up a roti and have it with tea!!I know that breakfast is theย  important…