Barnyard millet | Kuthiraivali Idiyappam

When Lil Angel returns from school, she would sometimes prefer a hearty meal or a tiffin. Those times call for dishes like this that are quick to prepare and also healthy. I have used barnyard millet but you can use any millet of your choice and follow the same recipe. This post is for Srivalli’s…

Morekali with Red Rice Flour | Savory Riceflour and Buttermilk dish

If you ask me to describe morekali-an authentic dish from the Tamil nadu , it will be something like this – Moru – means buttermilk and kali is a sort of porridge. It is made with rice flour and sour buttermilk and has sun dried chilies added to it in the seasoning or as a…

Wuzi – China – Xiao Mi Zhou | Millet Porridge

Before I even begin with the intro, let me warn you that this is going to be a long post. Yes, this post is based on a recipe from China and hence it is bound to be lengthy… So, when we started planning for this 30 day Culinary journey across the globe , the two…