Today we are starting Week #3 of Blogging Marathon 24.As you are aware I am hosting Srivalli’s Kid’s delight series this month with the theme Healthy lunch box recipes. I am in a quest for recipes that are apt to pack to school for my preschooler and this week I am doing this theme for Blogging…
Garlic Rice – Revisited recipe
I have taken up a ‘spring cleaning’ job on my blog. Not exactly cleaning, but sort of getting better pics for the older posts.When I started off with the blogging stuff, there were a few posts without a proper click or no click at all!So now I am revisiting those posts and making it better[I…
Moong Kichidi | Weaning Foods
After the simple carrot – beet soup yesterday, its time to move on to a more ‘sophisticated’ dish for the tiny tot.Once the baby starts on solids and you have introduced cereals,this type of combo meal [cereal-pulse combo]can be started.It is very healthy dish.This kichidi is very different from the adults version…. This is the…
Pulisadham | Kongunadu Tamarind Rice
I was going through my previous posts with the thoughts of giving a few of them a make over with better pics.While browsing, I came across this recipe.This one is an all time favorite of Lil Angel. She loves to have this for breakfast , lunch and dinner!She is all smiles if it is packed for her…
Carrot Pulihora
Waking up each day and breaking my head for some idea to pack for Lil Angel’s lunch box happens almost every day. Her likes and dislikes changes ever so often[yes, it happens will all the kids all the time!!] and I am always searching for new recipe ideas. A few months ago, I saw a…